2/18/2025 Chatsworth Historical Society - The Johnson Family in Chatworth 7
The Willden family travel from England and settle in Utah
1849, Charles and Eleanor Willden leave England on a sailing vessel with their family. Charles is a Mormon Missionary.
Ann is 4 years old and the family has seven children.
•They land at the mouth of the Mississippi and travel by boat up river to Council Bluffs, Iowa. After three years Charles had a
prosperous 160-acre farm. In late 1852 the Mormons in the Pottawattamie Company of Council Bluffs were called to Utah by
Brigham Young. Charles sold the farm, bought a covered wagon, and left with his family and household goods on the three-month
trip to Utah. (pg19 GA)
•The wagon train went to Salt Lake City then south to what is now Cedar City, Utah. They began to clear the land, some built a fort.
Most families, as did the Willdens, built dug-out homes for the first winter. (pg23 GA). Eleanor's last child Louisa was born in the
dugout home in December 1853; the large Willden family of 8 slept, cooked and ate in the one-room dug-out home.
•Each man was required to help build the fort, it was built of logs and was a half-mile square. It was finished by spring 1854 along
with a sawmill and gristmill for making flour. Wool from their sheep was spun to make their clothes. They soon lived within a home
made from milled lumber within the fort.
•In 1857 a wagon train of immigrant families from Arkansas bound for California was passing through Cedar City. They camped in Cedar
City, inside the fort. Threats were made against the Mormons, and they threatened to kill Brigham Young. Some Mormon men and
Paiute Indians surrounded the wagon train at Mountain Meadows, about 35 miles southwest of Cedar City. The result was the Mountain
Meadows Massacre, where all men and women and most children on the wagon train were killed. As a result, Ann became increasingly
fearful of her brothers, and less trusting of her father. (pg. 26 GA, pg. 10 OPM)
•They lived in the Old Fort for about 3 years, then moved into a new house in New City. (pg26 GA) (editors note from Richard Johnson's
1979 thesis, pg. 41: people actually began to move out of the Old Fort onto the city lots in New City, abandoning the Old Fort as a community
center.” So “New City” became/was “Cedar City’.)
Note: references are made for continuity and clarity by page number and book, as follows:
(pg. xx GA) = Grandma Ann, (pg. xx OPM) = Our Pioneer Mother